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Hello World - Annotations
Hello World - Create the project
Integrate MiltonFilter
Create the ResourceController
Map the root object
Run the example
Implement Folders
More fun with folders
File operation annotations
File operations with annotations
Copying and Deleting
Locking resources
Creating collections
Uploading files
Calendar annotations
Create the project structure
Create the domain model
Create the controller
Create a browseable hierarchy
Implement uploading and downloading
Add required properties for caldav
Simple webdav browsing - Resource API
Getting started with eclipse
Create the maven project in eclipse
Create the web.xml file
Create the 'database' model
Create the Resource classes
Create the resource factory
Run the project from maven
Connect with a webdav client and browse
Basic file operations - Resource API
Introduction to file operations
Uploading files with PUT
Downloading files
Moving and Renaming resources
Creating new folders
Implementing Copy
Deleting files and folders
File Locking - Resource API
Introduction to Webdav locking
Implementing LockableResource
Implement LockingCollectionResource
Lock enforcement
Introduction to Carddav - Resource API
Introduction to Carddav
Creating the domain model
Create the resource model
Authentication and the AbstractResource
Creating and updating contacts
The end result
Migrating from Milton18 to Milton2x
Migrating from the old milton
Updating the dependencies
Fixing the imports
Replace MiltonServlet with MiltonFilter
Introduction to Carddav
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